Fix Your Eyes

Luke 6:14-21

In the sixth chapter of Luke, Jesus returns to His hometown, Nazareth. He enters the synagogue and is asked to read from the scroll of the Book. He opens to Isaiah 61 and begins to teach. The anointing of the Holy Spirit and the teaching of God's Word were at work together, and Jesus declared that He had fulfilled six of the prophecies He read to the people that day from the scroll. (The rest of Isaiah's words would come to pass later.)

Have you ever taken a close look at the wonderful things that Jesus has come to do?

The Holy Spirit had anointed Him to 1) preach the gospel to the poor, 2) heal the brokenhearted, 3) to proclaim deliverance to the captives, 4) recovery of sight to the blind, 5) to set at liberty those who are oppressed, and 6) proclaim the favorable year of the Lord. When Jesus closed the Book, He told them how this portion of the Scripture was fulfilled in their hearing.

Then they fixed their eyes on Jesus.

These promises from God are still for us today. What do you need Jesus to do for you? Fix your eyes upon Him and trust Him to do what He has promised. He is waiting for you to ask Him.


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