The Beginning Of Faith

Genesis 12

In the book of Genesis, chapter 11, the main characteristic of people of the world was that they wanted to make a name for themselves.

God, however, was looking for a man who would trust Him, so He chose Abram from Ur of the Chaldees in Mesopotamia. He would later call this man "Abraham", the father of our faith.

First, however, Abram must become a child of faith and learn to walk and live by faith. Abraham's faith had to have a beginning!

The Bible tells us that his family used to be idolaters on the other side of the river. When God appeared to Abram, he became obedient to God and began to move forward by faith.

In Genesis 12 it is recorded, "Now the LORD had said to Abram..." He was to get out of his country, from his family and his father's house. He was going to a destination unknown to him. Then God promised him, "I will make you", "I will bless you", and "You shall be a blessing."

So Abraham departed as the LORD had spoken, along with his father, and they stayed in Haran for awhile. After his father died, he went on to Canaan along with his wife, Sarai, and his nephew, Lot.

His travels took him through Shechem, where he built an altar, then east toward Bethel, where he built another altar and called upon the name of the LORD. Then he went south.

When a famine came near, he went down to Egypt. We don't read that he called upon the LORD at that time; that is where his faith was challenged and fear set in. His fear nearly cost him the loss of his wife. There were consequences for his lapse of faith, but God's grace kept Abraham, and put him back on the path of faith.

Like Abraham, we grow from faith to faith. One victory leads to another. "The just shall live by his faith".

Today, we are challenged as others have been in the past. Will we choose faith, or fear? God honors faith. Let's put our faith in God, and trust Him at His word.

"Faith is the victory that overcomes the world."


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