Nothing Too Difficult

Genesis 18:14

God often gives a promise to us and wants us to trust Him for its fulfillment. A promise gives us hope. Hope gives us something to look forward to. We sometimes reason within ourselves or get advice from somewhere else, rather than just believing God at His word. God does not alter His word and He never tells a lie.

Abraham was a man of faith, and God reckoned his faith as righteousness. The Lord came to him and revealed that his wife, Sarah, would bring forth a child. This child would be Isaac, the seed of promise. When Sarah heard the promise herself, in Genesis 18, she laughed. But an angel of the Lord said to her, "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" At that moment, Sarah received her own personal faith because she now believed that God would be faithful to her and fulfill His promise.

Remember that all the promises of God are YES and AMEN in Jesus Christ.

Jesus said that He would be with us, even to the end of the age. God hasn't forgotten you! He is for you, and His eye is always upon you.

Nothing is too difficult for the Lord.


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