
Peace Be With You
John 20:19-22

On the evening of the Resurrection, the disciples were assembled together behind shut doors for fear of the authorities. Fear keeps us inward. They had the fear of man and not the fear of God. The fear of the Lord gives us confidence.

Jesus stood in their midst, and speaking to them, He said, "Peace be with you." He showed them His hands and His side. Then Jesus said to them a second time, "Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you."

His peace stills the fear. In His presence, they move from fear to faith. His peace makes all the difference.

Jesus came in the power of the Holy Ghost; likewise, we also must be sent by the Holy Spirit. When Jesus breathed on the disciples, they became born again by the Spirit from above. In Luke 24, Jesus tells them to tarry in Jerusalem until they have been endued from power from on High, which is the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

We don't need to go to Jerusalem or wait for the Day of Pentecost, we can, this moment, ask the Father to endue us with power from on High.

Let His peace be with you, and His Spirit come upon you.


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